Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Taking ME back...

I've recently been inspired to blog publicly.  I do have another blog but it is more like a diary but I need somewhere else to vent.  After being introduced to and watching a few videos and reading a few blogs of Loren Feldman I've had some things going through my head and I've just felt that I needed to start putting me out there.  As Mr. Feldman mentioned at Blog08 FB and Google and whomever else doesn't care about who we are.  We are nothing but numbers to them  Nothing more than a statistic but in a blog we are who we really are and we are able to speak our piece.  I'm not out looking for that piece of the pie that everyone yearns for.  I don't care about having a million followers constantly replying on everything I write.  Maybe just a few whom really matter. I used to have that yearning and it's not healthy for the most part.  It's like having a million friends on FB or G+ which is impossible to keep up with.  I'm ready to "cut the fat" in my life.  I've already started by deleting a few accounts of stuff I don't use or don't need anymore.

Also I need to start getting back out into the world more (a.k.a. - nature) which I do some of but not nearly enough.  The family loves going and it is also a perfect time of year to go hike to a good swimming hole and rewarding ourselves with a nice cooling swim before heading back.  It will also be helpful in my diet/workout regimen.  And I can't wait to go camping soon...it won't be here soon enough.

As for now this will be it.  Time to get back to "cutting the fat."  And to watching tv and making some music.

Much Love and Peace

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