Thursday, June 28, 2012

Family comes first

So I had decided yesterday after much thought and talking with Becca and many kind and helpful words from friends that working in the office will benefit everyone. And after receiving a call at 3:30 this morning for an outage I totally was reminded why I made the choice I had made.  I can't stand working out in the field anymore though because it's just not for me.  I've never lasted long working in a job outside and I love being outside but that's just it..."being" not working in it.  I'm quite surprised and proud that I've actually lasted this long but it's time to move on.  I don't want to miss my children growing up.  I actually played with them this afternoon before they went to bed and I just love the amount of money can replace that.  Plus I think I will do a rather good job in the office.  I do after all enjoy being on a computer and while it won't be all fun and games it will be more suited for my taste.  Plus I know they get to have a little fun in their so it's all good and I know there are rules and regulations to follow but I'm glad to say that from what I heard from the supervisor in dispatch I'll be able to grow my hair and beard so long as I keep it clean and I'll be able to wear my eyebrow piercing so I'll be able to retire the retainer I've been wearing.  Plus let us not forget I will be able to actually put some use to my rather extensive clothing collection.  Also I'll be getting a bike this weekend so I can still get exercise and save money on gas since I won't be using the companies dime on that.  So I did tell work today and tomorrow I'm doing a half day and afterwards I will be doing my interview for the dispatch position so please keep me in your thoughts and prayers that I get the job.

Much love and peace to you all,
Au Revoir

Monday, June 25, 2012

Trials and tribulations in the world of working

So a lot has been going on lately.  So much in such a small time.  Lately though my work has become more and more quite the task for me as for anyone who knows me knows I love the outdoors but working out there is different...I'm not really made for it.  I'm made more for working inside even when it was a kitchen. And recently there has been an opening to work in the office in our dispatch center which is awesome with a few quirks.  I would take a $2 cut in pay but I would work 9 - 6 except on Saturday or Sunday which would be 8 - 5 ( and I would get either Friday/Saturday or Sunday/Monday off ).  I would still do on-call but it would merely require having to answer a phone and call a tech.  But with the biweekly pay on a standard 80 hours I would be losing $120.  That's $240 less every month which is doable but would make things even tighter than they are now.  We don't necessarily struggle but we are far from comfortable.  And meanwhile it would allow me to get a second job or Becca to get a job which would help compensate and help my sanity and stress levels but at the same time I'm not sure since I would be stressing more about money issues.  I'm just not sure what to do...while I would lose the stress, exhaustion and back-breaking venture that is working outside and the money that came with it I would gain some sanity and energy (lately I've noticed there are many days I come home from work and am too exhausted to play with the kids which hurts a little inside).  I'm stuck...I really want to get out of the field work but taking a pay cut could add a whole new stress (not that we haven't survived so far and did before when I made that little).  I feel so completely lost and torn and even at a loss of words in my own head.  Do I go for something I really want...go forward in life and push myself to aspire or do I just suck it up and stay where I am?  Well I've got until Monday to decide if I really want to go for this position or not so I have time to think...and a lot of thinking I will have to do.  Any advice or words of encouragement are greatly appreciated...because like I said I'm really lost on this one.

Much love and peace to all