Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bootloaders and the never ending battle to keep them unlocked in the opensource world of Android.

Interesting read...seems like the modding community just keeps growing but it's still such a small number...nonetheless OEM's and especially carriers (yes Big Red I'm looking right at your bootloader locking asses) need to be careful.  I've seen a lot of people switch not only whom they get their devices from but what carrier they use.  Developer's editions are crap...you pay 2-3 times as much as anyone else on a plan for nothing more than an unlocked bootloader.  I do like the idea of the unlocking program so that if you want to unlock your device you're more than welcome to.  I would not that I have that to worry about with Samsung and US Cellular on my side...but just saying.  It's a growing community of people who truly want open source...not because they don't necessarily like what Android has to offer but because they just can.  Some people like seeing what things can do, as I do, and we just enjoy the idea of doing it.  Plus it does add life to your old devices...didn't stop me from getting another new device...just lets me keep the old one around for whatever...and it won't stop me from getting another device when my time comes up.  Some people are just junkies...not that I'm not happy with what I have now...but something newer and faster and with way better specs (specifically the camera is what I'm looking for this next time around)...the search for the ultimate device...lol.  Well enjoy the article now that I've somewhat summed it up in my own words.

Access Denied: why Android’s broken promise of unlocked bootloaders needs to be fixed | The Verge

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Zombie Preparedness

Started this a few days ago...just now posting...
A first for me happened last night.  As many of you may know I am an avid zombie enthusiast (albeit I haven't got a kit or anything ready I continually think of plans in my head and the kit is lacking mainly due to funding...but  I'm getting off track here) and over the years I have never (that I can recall) had a dream about the apocalypse let alone one involving zombies.  That came to an end last night.  I had a very vivid dream last night of the zombie apocalypse.  I felt confident in everything I did in my dream even though from start to finish I was scared as any normal human should be in such a predicament.  It was a rush like none I have felt before...asleep or awake.  I can't describe it.  It felt so real and so surreal all at once...I really cannot even put into words the feeling it put over me.  That feeling has somewhat bled over after I awoke and left me with a strange inner ambiance.

It was interesting to say the least and fed on my weird love of the possibility of a zombie apocalypse and at the same time it was a little unsettling.  It wasn't as cool as movies and such make it out to be.  Lots of running and surviving.  Not a lot of crazy, awesome action packed scenes.  But here's a few things from the CDC about preparedness.  Enjoy...

CDC - Blogs - Public Health Matters Blog – Teachable Moments – Courtesy of The Walking Dead on AMC

CDC - Blogs - Public Health Matters Blog – Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse

Friday, October 5, 2012

Incomplete Thoughts...

So a lot has been going on in life and life has between somewhat hectic and therefore I'm sometimes left with thoughts that don't always have time to be fully thought through. Hence a head full of stuff and I can't keep it all together all the times. Thankfully writing helps keep it together. So I've been doing some writing when I can. Not always in my blog...it seems actual writing suits me better. Nothing but myself, a pen and some paper...a great feeling. And with a slew of half written blogs sitting in draft it's been nice to finish a thought or two for once. Not to mention my new position is great.  A little less stressful...and working with some great people.  I do need to declutter my life a bit.  Cut out some online crap...I have cut back playing games but there needs to be more.  Not sure as to what yet but I'll figure something out.  But I think that should help clear my head a little.  Well I should get going...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Family comes first

So I had decided yesterday after much thought and talking with Becca and many kind and helpful words from friends that working in the office will benefit everyone. And after receiving a call at 3:30 this morning for an outage I totally was reminded why I made the choice I had made.  I can't stand working out in the field anymore though because it's just not for me.  I've never lasted long working in a job outside and I love being outside but that's just it..."being" not working in it.  I'm quite surprised and proud that I've actually lasted this long but it's time to move on.  I don't want to miss my children growing up.  I actually played with them this afternoon before they went to bed and I just love the feeling...no amount of money can replace that.  Plus I think I will do a rather good job in the office.  I do after all enjoy being on a computer and while it won't be all fun and games it will be more suited for my taste.  Plus I know they get to have a little fun in their so it's all good and I know there are rules and regulations to follow but I'm glad to say that from what I heard from the supervisor in dispatch I'll be able to grow my hair and beard so long as I keep it clean and I'll be able to wear my eyebrow piercing so I'll be able to retire the retainer I've been wearing.  Plus let us not forget I will be able to actually put some use to my rather extensive clothing collection.  Also I'll be getting a bike this weekend so I can still get exercise and save money on gas since I won't be using the companies dime on that.  So I did tell work today and tomorrow I'm doing a half day and afterwards I will be doing my interview for the dispatch position so please keep me in your thoughts and prayers that I get the job.

Much love and peace to you all,
Au Revoir

Monday, June 25, 2012

Trials and tribulations in the world of working

So a lot has been going on lately.  So much in such a small time.  Lately though my work has become more and more quite the task for me as for anyone who knows me knows I love the outdoors but working out there is different...I'm not really made for it.  I'm made more for working inside even when it was a kitchen. And recently there has been an opening to work in the office in our dispatch center which is awesome with a few quirks.  I would take a $2 cut in pay but I would work 9 - 6 except on Saturday or Sunday which would be 8 - 5 ( and I would get either Friday/Saturday or Sunday/Monday off ).  I would still do on-call but it would merely require having to answer a phone and call a tech.  But with the biweekly pay on a standard 80 hours I would be losing $120.  That's $240 less every month which is doable but would make things even tighter than they are now.  We don't necessarily struggle but we are far from comfortable.  And meanwhile it would allow me to get a second job or Becca to get a job which would help compensate and help my sanity and stress levels but at the same time I'm not sure since I would be stressing more about money issues.  I'm just not sure what to do...while I would lose the stress, exhaustion and back-breaking venture that is working outside and the money that came with it I would gain some sanity and energy (lately I've noticed there are many days I come home from work and am too exhausted to play with the kids which hurts a little inside).  I'm stuck...I really want to get out of the field work but taking a pay cut could add a whole new stress (not that we haven't survived so far and did before when I made that little).  I feel so completely lost and torn and even at a loss of words in my own head.  Do I go for something I really want...go forward in life and push myself to aspire or do I just suck it up and stay where I am?  Well I've got until Monday to decide if I really want to go for this position or not so I have time to think...and a lot of thinking I will have to do.  Any advice or words of encouragement are greatly appreciated...because like I said I'm really lost on this one.

Much love and peace to all

Saturday, March 31, 2012

This is the path of destruction called the iPhone.  I understand most Apple products are pretty awesome but the iPhone is so subpar.  Really a 3.5 inch screen with a single core 1 GHz processor, no external memory available and no removable/changeable batter (yes you can go to an Apple store and have it replaced for a mere $100 or so by a technician there which is uber-lame).  I'll admit their computers are top notch and even the iPad is okay but to charge carriers such ridiculous prices for such a mid level phone is beyond me.  Other OEM's charge much less for much higher end devices.  My S2 far surpasses the iPhone in my opinion.  I've got battery life...it takes awesome pictures with 8 MP rear facing and a 2 MP FFC.  Also my 4.52 inch SuperAMOLED Plus screen is amazing to watch videos on which I have watched a couple of movies.  But back to my original point.  Sprint would have been better off not getting the iPhone which they had to take out a line of credit to cover and even though selling millions of the phones in Q4 of 2011 they posted losses.  Sad...maybe if Apple would get with the game and up the phone it might be worth it.  But the iPhone is so behind...really Siri was supposed to be an apology of how much the 4S really didn't amount to anything.  They should have just held off for 4G...and maybe some other revisions.  I just saw this article and even before clicking on it I knew what it was going to say might cause the company to fail...sad.  And even the price on other Apple products is just silly.  Like I said I think their products are great but they are really overpriced.  Get off your high horse Apple.  Drop some prices and you may even make a metric shit ton of more sales.  I know I'd buy an MacBook Air is I wouldn't feel so pretentious buying it.  Everyone should be able to buy one without taking out a loan and selling their first born.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Project 365 (or 366 for this year)

For many years I've heard of these sort of projects where you do something daily such as paint, doodle, photograph or any other number of things.  I've decided to embark on this journey in two different ways.

First and foremost I would love to write something everyday.  I want to get my words out into the world.  Even if no one reads my words I know they're still out there.  For too long I've kept a lot to myself and it's time I release it.  It's a good feeling to get the thoughts out.  It's been good for my brain as well.  It's nice to get the brain juices going and I've been finding myself getting slightly blocked here and there but I'm hoping to work through it.

Photography would be the second thing I would like to start doing everyday.  I take tons of pictures but I'd like to put more thought into my pictures than just snapping a pic.  The unfortunate thing is that the only device I really have for doing so is my phone.  I have looked into getting a decent digital camera but I just can't really afford one.  So I shall make due with what I have as I always do.

Well it's getting late and I go back to work so I'm making this short.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Three Words...

I've just today learned of this "3 Words" concept.  It's a great idea especially since I'm not a fan or really believer of the whole resolutions things.  So many things come to mind so I must decide.  What three words would I like to describe the goals and experiences that will be 2012?  A whole slew of words come to mind of which I was able to easily drop it to nine.  That is where it got a little tricky.  After much deliberation though I was able to choose the three words.  Or should I say they chose me.  When it came down to it the three words were obvious.  My three words for 2012 are create, growth and faith.

I want to do lot of creating.  I want to keep my brain sharp.  So I will be getting back into making my hemp jewelry.  I always enjoyed doing that and I love having a finished product.  Also I would like to be able to create more music.  Hopefully get some gear this year as well.  I also want to get into creating stuff on the computer as well.  Programming (starting with basic Android stuff and hopefully getting a little into Linux as well), music (also being created with the help of the computer), and photography (nothing major but I do love taking pictures and tweaking them once in awhile).  And most importantly creating memories.  Good times with my children, family and friends.

There are many ways in which I would like to grow in this new year.  I would like to grow as a father.  I'm not worried about my fathering but I also know there is always room for growth.  I know that this goes for all aspects in life.  Besides fatherhood I would like to seek growth as a husband, worker, family member, friend and in faith which leads me to the third word of 2012.

Not just with the big guy upstairs.  We have a great understanding and I'm a huge fan.  He's the reason I spend time outdoors.  It's where I go to get at peace.  Like I said though it's not just about my faith with God.  It's about faith in myself, and learning to put more faith in others.  It's a big word with a lot of meaning.

So I think that somewhat covers it.  It's ambitious but I'm ready.  So as I begin the new year I will have to keep these three words that will hopefully make this a very prosperous year.

Happy New Year and God Bless!

A new day...

It has been some time since I've last written in my blog.  Although I have been quite active on my social network sites.  I've been putting in a lot of thought about the things I would like to accomplish this year.  I'm not really into the whole new year's resolution thing but I do take time at the end of the year and into the new one to assess my life.  A time to "spring clean" my being...my mind, body and soul.  So needless to say I've been doing a ton of thinking about my life and the direction I'm heading and there is always something I would like to change or strive for.  And this new year it is the same.

The first of which is my health.  I had managed losing 17 pounds but amidst all the festivities of December I managed gaining about 10 pounds of it back.  So back on the wagon I go.  The main issue has been just all the junk food constantly around and I've been weak.  It's just been a crazy couple of months.  We've kind of quit working out as we moved and kind of got out of the habit of walking.  We are indeed going to get back into the habit though.  I need to shed this weight off and keep it off.  I need to get into a better health pattern in life.  It feels so much better when you're healthy.  I want to get back to that.  I feel kind of gross that I've packed on a few in such a short time.  So definitely my health is something I need to keep in the forefront of my mind.

The next thing I've put a lot of thought into is the amount of time I spend online.  And mostly just how much time I spend on social network sites.  I need to cut back not only on time but involvement online.  The time I spend online could be better spent doing other things.  I have really wanted to get back into making hemp jewelry.  I've got a big ball of the stuff and tons of beads.  My hands could be better served doing something slightly more productive.  Plus that is more time that could be spent playing with my kids.

Speaking of the kids.  I would like to continue working on being a great father.  I would like to get them out more and us do more stuff.  We like going hiking and camping and plus we just started doing geocache hunting which is totally amazing.  If you've never heard of it check it out...especially if you have kids.  It's an exciting treasure hunt of sorts.  We've only done it a few times but it's so much fun.  The kids absolutely love it.  And there's an app on my phone for it which is awesome so we can cache on the go if we just randomly decide to like we did earlier today.  Went for a hike and ended up looking for some caches.  We didn't have any luck locating any but we had fun either way.

There are a lot of other little things I would like to work on.  Being a better person as a whole and a better father and husband. There are things I want to attempt to learn this year.  Such as hopefully music production as well as some minor programming.  I'll probably start with some Android type stuff.  Maybe eventually get into programming a rom which could be cool.

So that is really that.  You know besides patience, understanding and all that other good stuff we need to survive in life.  Especially for someone whom works in service and has children.  And once again speaking of I should get off of here.  We're currently watching The Dark Crystal. Such an amazing movie...even the kids have been intrigued the whole time.
