Saturday, March 31, 2012

This is the path of destruction called the iPhone.  I understand most Apple products are pretty awesome but the iPhone is so subpar.  Really a 3.5 inch screen with a single core 1 GHz processor, no external memory available and no removable/changeable batter (yes you can go to an Apple store and have it replaced for a mere $100 or so by a technician there which is uber-lame).  I'll admit their computers are top notch and even the iPad is okay but to charge carriers such ridiculous prices for such a mid level phone is beyond me.  Other OEM's charge much less for much higher end devices.  My S2 far surpasses the iPhone in my opinion.  I've got battery takes awesome pictures with 8 MP rear facing and a 2 MP FFC.  Also my 4.52 inch SuperAMOLED Plus screen is amazing to watch videos on which I have watched a couple of movies.  But back to my original point.  Sprint would have been better off not getting the iPhone which they had to take out a line of credit to cover and even though selling millions of the phones in Q4 of 2011 they posted losses.  Sad...maybe if Apple would get with the game and up the phone it might be worth it.  But the iPhone is so behind...really Siri was supposed to be an apology of how much the 4S really didn't amount to anything.  They should have just held off for 4G...and maybe some other revisions.  I just saw this article and even before clicking on it I knew what it was going to say might cause the company to fail...sad.  And even the price on other Apple products is just silly.  Like I said I think their products are great but they are really overpriced.  Get off your high horse Apple.  Drop some prices and you may even make a metric shit ton of more sales.  I know I'd buy an MacBook Air is I wouldn't feel so pretentious buying it.  Everyone should be able to buy one without taking out a loan and selling their first born.

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