Monday, February 10, 2014

More motivation and subsequently weight and exercise and all the things that go with it have been on my mind a lot lately.    With those thoughts in my head this morning I decided to check my weight on the Wii Fit and yes I know it's not scientifically super accurate but it's usually close enough to get a general idea.  That general idea has disturbed me as over the past several months I've gained almost 20 pounds and that is something I accept but am not at all happy about and therefore must rectify.  I am now more motivated than I have been in a long time and with quitting smoking cigarettes the next step is exercise.  My goal is to get back to my normal weight of the low to mid 180's and as of this morning at 207.5 :-(  That needs to change.  Thankfully our tax return is close and I'm going to get my bike fixed up so I can start riding again and also going start training for the Color Run this summer.  I'm looking forward to being fit again...step one is realizing the problem and facing it so now I may move on to finding solution and seeing it through.

Au revoir,

Saturday, February 8, 2014

New post (with hopes of many more to come this year)

Well here I am back again.  I've been meaning more and more to write more often and I did write a few posts on my tech blog but looking back on my personal blog it has been over a year since I've written.  That I have an issue with as writing is a great way to express one's thoughts and emotions/feelings and I do post on social networks quite often it doesn't always entail much thought behind it.  I'm hoping I can get more into writing for tech stuff as well since I have an open invitation to submit my writings onto the Team US Cellular site which I've been a member of for some time now.

There has been much thought that has gone through this riddled mind of mine over the past year and it's covered a vast spectrum.  I believe a big issue I had last year was a lack of time created by unhealthy habits.  I quit smoking a few days ago so time shouldn't be as much of a factor.  I've at least been doing plenty of reading from blogs and other websites to keep informed on all the nerdy goodness I care about and then some.  So here's in hopes of a more full year of writing more than a few lines here and there on the networks and getting more of my thoughts put out into the world instead of just being stuck in my head.

I try not to make "resolutions" for the new year and instead make new goals for the new year of which I have a few.  My main one is I'd like to become healthier and step one of quitting cigarettes is going well and I have amazing support which helps.  My next step is to start doing some walking and jogging again and possibly doing some minor weight stuff as well as getting back into using Wii Fit which at one point was a great help.  Another goal I've made for myself is to start writing more and not for only personal stuff but my tech type nerdy goodness.  Other than that my only goal is to remain awesome, become a more awesome father, husband and friend as well as hopefully not going into more debt this year.

So here's in hopes for an amazing year for one and all as we journey through this thing called life.

Love and peace to one and all.

Au revoir,

Michael "Tree" McGrade

Thursday, January 24, 2013

...Social Networking and Being Social...

So I've spent some time now away from social media completely and I think I'm ready to get back on it since I have learned quite a bit from my cleansing.  Slowly over the years I've gotten lazy and social media has become my social outlet where it should be something to be in addition to a current active social life.  I've let my social life become that in which is mostly online which is unhealthy.  I've learned my lesson.  I have to have a life outside of online and it's been really nice getting away and I almost don't really care about getting back on it but it'll be ok and it's all good now.

Over time in social networking I've lost myself as a social person.  I use to be quite the social butterfly and over the years I've become somewhat of a recluse and I have come to a lot of realizations over the past few months and especially the past month or so.  There is so much to life and while I have experienced a plethora of awesomeness there is so much more to life.

And I'm ready for awesome...and so it shall begin...I've been through smaller bits of this sort of ordeal but last year got out of hand and I'm ready to take my life back...

Au revoir and peace!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bootloaders and the never ending battle to keep them unlocked in the opensource world of Android.

Interesting read...seems like the modding community just keeps growing but it's still such a small number...nonetheless OEM's and especially carriers (yes Big Red I'm looking right at your bootloader locking asses) need to be careful.  I've seen a lot of people switch not only whom they get their devices from but what carrier they use.  Developer's editions are pay 2-3 times as much as anyone else on a plan for nothing more than an unlocked bootloader.  I do like the idea of the unlocking program so that if you want to unlock your device you're more than welcome to.  I would not that I have that to worry about with Samsung and US Cellular on my side...but just saying.  It's a growing community of people who truly want open source...not because they don't necessarily like what Android has to offer but because they just can.  Some people like seeing what things can do, as I do, and we just enjoy the idea of doing it.  Plus it does add life to your old devices...didn't stop me from getting another new device...just lets me keep the old one around for whatever...and it won't stop me from getting another device when my time comes up.  Some people are just junkies...not that I'm not happy with what I have now...but something newer and faster and with way better specs (specifically the camera is what I'm looking for this next time around)...the search for the ultimate  Well enjoy the article now that I've somewhat summed it up in my own words.

Access Denied: why Android’s broken promise of unlocked bootloaders needs to be fixed | The Verge

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Zombie Preparedness

Started this a few days ago...just now posting...
A first for me happened last night.  As many of you may know I am an avid zombie enthusiast (albeit I haven't got a kit or anything ready I continually think of plans in my head and the kit is lacking mainly due to funding...but  I'm getting off track here) and over the years I have never (that I can recall) had a dream about the apocalypse let alone one involving zombies.  That came to an end last night.  I had a very vivid dream last night of the zombie apocalypse.  I felt confident in everything I did in my dream even though from start to finish I was scared as any normal human should be in such a predicament.  It was a rush like none I have felt before...asleep or awake.  I can't describe it.  It felt so real and so surreal all at once...I really cannot even put into words the feeling it put over me.  That feeling has somewhat bled over after I awoke and left me with a strange inner ambiance.

It was interesting to say the least and fed on my weird love of the possibility of a zombie apocalypse and at the same time it was a little unsettling.  It wasn't as cool as movies and such make it out to be.  Lots of running and surviving.  Not a lot of crazy, awesome action packed scenes.  But here's a few things from the CDC about preparedness.  Enjoy...

CDC - Blogs - Public Health Matters Blog – Teachable Moments – Courtesy of The Walking Dead on AMC

CDC - Blogs - Public Health Matters Blog – Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse

Friday, October 5, 2012

Incomplete Thoughts...

So a lot has been going on in life and life has between somewhat hectic and therefore I'm sometimes left with thoughts that don't always have time to be fully thought through. Hence a head full of stuff and I can't keep it all together all the times. Thankfully writing helps keep it together. So I've been doing some writing when I can. Not always in my seems actual writing suits me better. Nothing but myself, a pen and some paper...a great feeling. And with a slew of half written blogs sitting in draft it's been nice to finish a thought or two for once. Not to mention my new position is great.  A little less stressful...and working with some great people.  I do need to declutter my life a bit.  Cut out some online crap...I have cut back playing games but there needs to be more.  Not sure as to what yet but I'll figure something out.  But I think that should help clear my head a little.  Well I should get going...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Family comes first

So I had decided yesterday after much thought and talking with Becca and many kind and helpful words from friends that working in the office will benefit everyone. And after receiving a call at 3:30 this morning for an outage I totally was reminded why I made the choice I had made.  I can't stand working out in the field anymore though because it's just not for me.  I've never lasted long working in a job outside and I love being outside but that's just it..."being" not working in it.  I'm quite surprised and proud that I've actually lasted this long but it's time to move on.  I don't want to miss my children growing up.  I actually played with them this afternoon before they went to bed and I just love the amount of money can replace that.  Plus I think I will do a rather good job in the office.  I do after all enjoy being on a computer and while it won't be all fun and games it will be more suited for my taste.  Plus I know they get to have a little fun in their so it's all good and I know there are rules and regulations to follow but I'm glad to say that from what I heard from the supervisor in dispatch I'll be able to grow my hair and beard so long as I keep it clean and I'll be able to wear my eyebrow piercing so I'll be able to retire the retainer I've been wearing.  Plus let us not forget I will be able to actually put some use to my rather extensive clothing collection.  Also I'll be getting a bike this weekend so I can still get exercise and save money on gas since I won't be using the companies dime on that.  So I did tell work today and tomorrow I'm doing a half day and afterwards I will be doing my interview for the dispatch position so please keep me in your thoughts and prayers that I get the job.

Much love and peace to you all,
Au Revoir